Board Candidate Services

Organizations today require modern leadership, capable of handling challenges, leading with vision, and making tough decisions.

Astute Boards value a deep and ready-now talent pool and take steps to invest in this asset. Boards are wise to prepare talented internal executives for board special—not just waiting for “ time in the job” to develop board-ready talent.

We work with client Boards to prepare internal talent with the requisite knowledge, skills and, network relationships to confidently operate at a Board of Directors level.



  • I need some professional help to find the right board to serve —where I will fit and can contribute

  • Do I have the requisite skills and temperament for board service?

  • I want to know myself a bit better and chart a career course for my “second half.”

“Identifying and sourcing Board Members who aligned with our vision was critical to our organization’s success”


BoardQuest Insights

Our customers come to us because they know they will be working with experienced senior talent experts —individuals who have walked in their shoes and understand the stresses and demands of an organization of today. Our network of professionals offers local solutions with a global perspective. 

Learn more about our perspectives and insights.



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