Practical, real-world problem-solving instincts

BoardQuest professionals are credentialed practitioners with “best practices” expertise balanced with practical, real-world problem-solving instincts.  We are experienced C-level executives, attorneys, business psychologists well as board directors.

BoardQuest offers attorneys with knowledge of SEC regulations, M&A expertise along with a sense for the direction of regulatory focus. We help boards see over the horizon.


We are talent builders

We believe that companies with superior talent in the boardroom and the C-Suite are more likely to win in the markets especially when the team dynamics and organizational culture supports collaboration and high performance. BoardQuest has Ph.D.-level business psychologists and senior Human Resources leaders with deep expertise in talent assessment and team development. We know what superb talent looks like and what to do with it. We are talent builders in the boardroom, C-Suite, and within the client company’s leadership bench.

Our Capabilities


Pre-Hire Executive Assessment


Online or in-person, this is designated for individuals to process and explore their thoughts. Typically, meetings are weekly or bi-weekly.

Learn More


Newly-Appointed Leader Assimilation


Online or in-person, this time will be spent evaluating your physical and mental health to provide medication to alleviate mental health symptoms. This does not include talk therapy.

45 mins | $250 | Get started


Competitive Benchmarking


Online or in-person, this session will help you with what you care most about and develop a plan to achieve personal and professional goals. 

50 mins | $200 | Get started


Executive Coaching


In-person only, this session helps alleviate pain and treat various physical, mental, and emotional conditions.

60 mins | $250 | Get started


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